Hanako Therapies has been a welcome addition to my life over the last year. I started out using the I AM...Protected, working with so many people during the day and so much energy in the room, It's a nice way to nurture and centre yourself and the person in my makeup chair. My clients love that I care about them and want to create a nice energy and space for them whilst I work. Thanks Rachel and Jeff for creating these heavenly products.
I nearly have the whole range of sprays and allow the person in my makeup chair to choose what they feel they may need for the day and we start the makeup with a nice little spray ritual, I do this at home before I leave also as part of my morning routine. The fragrance and the affirmation help me to stop, be present and grateful that I am living the life I choose and love. I even have a set in the office now as well. I'm so happy to share this with others around me it makes for great energy all day on set. Life happens and is constantly moving, having these products makes me feel I can do my little bit to keep me in a healthy mental space, the courage kit helped me to embrace last year which was so exciting and nerve racking and I've been so grateful for the I am Supported spray when my grandma passed away recently, allowing me a kind, supportive space to grieve. The inspired is sprayed all around when I'm working on creative direction for briefs, I use the bold when I feel a little nervous before I present and the clarity gives me a nice little kick in the butt to focus in the afternoon! I honestly love this product and am so grateful to have it my life. Thanks.
Melanie Burnicle
Revlon Makeup Director Australasia
Sydney NSW Australia

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