"Freeing herself from the dust of the past was exhausting. Who knew dust could be so heavy? Who knew fresh air would be so exhilarating?" ~Unknown
Started the New Year off with some fine resolutions only to find you are feeling heavy, drained, foggy and a little off kilter? It's never too late to free yourself from the dust of the past. Before we move forward sometimes it's better to take a step back and just maybe it's time to take a moment and check in with yourself? How much baggage are you carrying around on your back? Or lugging behind you? dragging its heaviness with every step.
Like baggage full of clothes stored away, our undealt with emotions can start to pile up and store. Before we know it there is stuff (lots of stuff) taking up space. Now is the time to simplify, clear it out and give yourself the gift of space, freedom and weightlessness to fly.
So set down your bags. Start to open them up and gently, as you feel ready, start unpacking the emotional baggage.
What needs to be thrown out with love?
What needs to be hand washed with care?
Is there some repairing that needs to be done?
What was the message found in that pocket?
Find peace in your baggage. Be at peace with each and every part of it. It was all in perfect order. As long as we can accept and surrender to our mistakes and as long as we learnt something from them we are given an invitation to move forward. We can start a new, we can decide to fill our lungs with fresh new energy and let go of the past.
It's not necessarily an easy task. But once you sit down and begin to unpack, the weight will start to lift, you'll start to feel inspired, stuck emotions will release, you'll gain new perspective and you'll begin to feel the expansion and your lightness of spirit return.
Travel light my friends, life is too short to carry around heavy baggage.
The lighter you feel the higher you will fly. Spread your wings. There is so much to be seen and the year is full of new possibilities.