For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.
Cynthia Occelli
Cynthia Occelli
How much of life is spent trying to look like the perfect package? Increasingly so nowadays with social media where we can filter how we look, think, and present ourselves to the world. With this in mind now I’ll ask another question, how often do we reach deep within ourselves and ask“hey old friend, how are you really going?” and how often do we actually wait for an honest answer? Are we so busy on the outside trying to keep up with Jones, appearances and facade that we are really hiding our most beautiful, humbled and authentic self inside.
Everything in Nature is a natural flow of evolution and growth, yet we as humans are so resistant to change. We start to become rigid and inflexible in our ways, life can leave us with the heavies, maybe we’ve let someone or something get under our skin, past hurts, relationship break ups, grief and trauma’s, if we haven’t yet learnt to gently let go of these things they can leave us feeling bound, contracted, heavy and foggy.
Yet when we allow ourselves the time and space to begin the journey inward we begin to lift the layers. What happens is we start to clear out our inner space, we weed out the overgrowth, we get clear on presenting issues, we get to the root of why it remains and with this comes expansion and feeling of freeing ourselves up .
If you’re in a transitional time and are having thoughts of“I need to change this situation”,“I’m not happy in my job”‘Life is calling me in another direction” all of these moments are an invitation for us to take the higher path and step towards our best selves. Hone in on those places where you are resistant, I love Prema Chodran’s quote“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth”. It may feel sticky, it may feel icky, it may feel like an uprooting of chaos, but stay with it. You’re actually allowing the“stuff” that been hiding in the body to come up into your awareness for release.
Meditation is a wonderful tool in creating a space where you can breathe and allow the answers to come. If you feel stuck within yourself, don’t be afraid to ask for help go and talk to someone, get a healing, chat with friends, allow yourself to get comfortable with the uncomfortable time of transition.
I believe one of the best investments in life is towards your own personal growth. When we begin to take steps to positive shifts the road can’t help but rise to meet us. Change is positive, change is healthy and change is good. With change comes movement, growth, discovery and higher learning.
So to some yes it may look like a disaster when our shell cracks and our insides“truth” begins to reveal itself,
Much love,
Rachel x