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4 ways to feel brave again


It’s common to feel fear, self-doubt or anxiety – it makes you human. But it can also feel painful too. So why then, is it so hard to navigate our way towards healthy self esteem and trust in our innate strength and courage? Below, here are some handy ways you can feel brave and lion-hearted through thick and thin with the confidence boost to match. 

  1. Recognise that fear is a normal experience.

Fear doesn't imply an inability to be courageous. It’s a portal to grow. Some fears, of course, are healthy; they keep us alive. Others are toxic. Even if self-doubt is there to deter you, don’t give it more power than it already has. Choose love over fear and step outside of your comfort zone. It may be painful and scary at first, but the payout is always worth it.

  1. Inspire yourself

Fill your social media feed with people who motivate you. Have discussions with those who make you want to go after your dreams. Get into the habit of chanting positive affirmations. Do something that scares you. Be amongst those who prioritise joy and abundance over lack. Fill your cup intentionally with positivity because this boosts your mood and will help you feel more courageous and confident.

  1. Practice vulnerability

Vulnerability is the process of owning your story or situation. It allows you to take responsibility and stand strong in your conviction through humility and surrender. It helps you appreciate the experiences that have made you who you are. This provides the foundation for us to step forward more bravely as we begin to increase self-acceptance.

  1. Be compassionate to yourself

 When you feel afraid or worried, don’t judge your feelings as either good or bad. Come back into the present moment and use powerful mindfulness tools to recognise your fearful thoughts and feelings: release them and refocus your attention on what mattes what. If you need an extra helping hand, spritz I AM… BRAVE Courage Mist around your body and repeat the affirmation: “I am strong, I am peaceful and I believe in myself. I know my heart will always lead the way.”

What are some things you do to feel brave again? Tell us in the comments to win your free bottle of I AM… BRAVE!